Touched by Cancer Facebook Page

No Cost to Cancer Patients

P.J., is a breast cancer survivor who has firsthand knowledge of the physical, emotional, and financial toll this disease exacts. Through her diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, P.J. found that education, relaxation techniques, massage, and yoga provided her the opportunity to take some control of her recovery at a time when things seemed to be spiraling out of control. Today, P.J. is a witness to how the integrative therapies of massage and mind-body practices are key elements in helping cancer patients and their caregivers proceed from diagnosis through treatment and into long-term survivorship. Caring for the whole person, body, mind, and spirit, and being an active participant in her own healing process has been crucial to P.J.’s recovery.Type your paragraph here.

Oncologic Massage

Massage therapy for the cancer patient includes gentle touch or manipulation of soft body tissue to enhance function of those tissues, improve body mechanics and flexibility, and promote relaxation. Massage reduces muscle-related pain, increases blood circulation, and reduces stress and anxiety. The benefits of massage can increase energy which provides the patient a greater capacity to exercise and perform activities of daily living. It gives the patient a sense of participation in the healing process and control which helps them stay on their treatment schedule.

Touched byCANCER

P.J. Tosca, BS, LMT, is a Licensed Massage Therapist, breast cancer survivor, and co-founder. Ms. Tosca has certification in Neuromuscular Therapy (CNMT) and training in oncologic massage including attendance to the M.D. Anderson Integrative Therapy Conference (July, 2014). In addition, she has 25 years of experience in preclinical pharmaceutical development with the National Cancer Institute.